Kindergarten / Pre-Primary

Arrival & Departure


It is essential that your Kindergarten or Pre-primary child is delivered to and collected from school by an adult. This means that an adult must bring (or collect) the child to the door – dropping (or picking up) your child off at the gate is NOT acceptable, and staff will not release children from the classroom if this should be the case. Student safety is our first and foremost concern. 


Only adults on the student pickup list are able to pick up your child at the end of the day – please contact the school office on 9894 0200 before the end of the day to advise if someone different will be picking up your child, otherwise we will not be able to release them. Older siblings are not able to collect K/PP students.


The Kindergarten and Pre-Primary doors open at 8:30am





The Kindergarten and Pre-Primary doors open at 8:30am. It is important that children arrive no later than 8:50am.


Punctuality is important particularly at pick-up time as no child likes being the last one to leave and children can become distressed over late pick-ups. In the case of an emergency please contact the school so that suitable arrangements can be made for your child.



Separation Difficulties


The majority of students have no difficulties when their parent or caregiver leaves them at Kindergarten or Pre-Primary. For those students who experience anxiety there are a few simple steps to remember.

  • Always discuss Kindergarten and Pre-Primary in a positive and encouraging way at home
  • If your child is crying it is best to explain that you will be back at home time, kiss them good bye and then leave quickly
  • We are very experienced at calming upset children and they invariably calm within minutes of mum, dad or the carer leaving
  • Remember that a calm and confident parent helps to create a calm and confident child.




Parents/carers need to ensure that their phone numbers (including mobile numbers) and the phone numbers of emergency contacts are kept up to date as they will be used in the case of an emergency, accident or sickness at school. It is a requirement that parents send in a note explaining student absences.



Fruit Time


Fruit time is an important part of the Kindergarten and Pre-Primary daily routine. During this time, children have the opportunity to develop their social skills and demonstrate their understandings of colours, sorting, comparing and practise their one-to-one counting. Of course fruit is also part of a healthy balanced diet. Parents/caregivers are requested to daily send along with your child a piece of fruit or vegetable. Cheese, sultanas, polony, capsicum, tomatoes, natural popcorn etc are healthy alternatives (but please remember these are to be shared and a suitable amount would be advised).





Clothing needs to be sensible and comfortable. All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are required to wear the school uniform. Jeans (any denim clothing) are not to be part of the school uniform.


Please provide your child with a change of clothes in case of an accident (especially underwear). These items need to remain in your child’s bag throughout the year.



We require children to wear sensible shoes suitable for running, jumping, climbing etc. Flat soled shoes like joggers are best.


School Bag

Each child needs to have their own school bag to keep their belongings in. Please ensure that the bag is clearly labelled with your child’s name. Encourage your child to be responsible for their own bag by having them hang it up and collect it.




What not to Bring


Please do not allow your child to bring along toys, jewellery or games as they may get lost or broken and cause distress.


Students are permitted however to bring along special items for News Telling. It is recommended that these items are given to the teacher for safe-keeping throughout the day. Your child’s teacher will inform you as to when News Telling will occur.