Day 1: Monday, 4 November 2024
This morning, we arrived at school at 6.45am and set off on our adventure at 7am.
Our first stop was in Williams for recess then we drove to Collie. In Collie, we went on a tour of an underground Collie mine. Our guide, Frank was an underground miner for 30 years. We were all shook up when the underground explosion simulation occurred. We had a long lunch and play in Collie before driving to Wellington Dam.
At Wellington Dam, we explored the murals but unfortunately, we were unable to walk the dam due to maintenance.
After the dam, we drove to Gnomesville. All the students loved it here and wished they could stay longer. Highlights here included finding a spot for our gnome, Kondignome and discovering that the toilets were long drop.
Finally, after being asked a million times by the students how far Mornington Adventure Camp was, we arrived at our accommodation for the week. The girls chose their dorms, all of the students made their beds, had a quick play and shower time. Students were a little sad with Miss Mutavdzic when she told them that each night they would be writing a diary entry.
Dinner was served and boy was everyone happy with their chicken parmi and chocolate pudding.
After dinner, the students wrote about their first day before playing pool and board games. It was then time to brush our teeth and go to sleep.
Day 2: Tuesday, 5 November 2024
This morning, some of us were so excited that we were awake at 5:45am. The adults were not so excited about this. Once we were ready, we went to breakfast and were fed a delicious, cooked breakfast.
We began by completing the low ropes course where the instructors were impressed by the student’s teamwork and resilience.
For lunch, we made our own burrito and then it was onto the crate challenge. All the students had a go and Torana reached the beams twice! We were so good at the crate challenge that we were rewarded with the best chocolate cake.
Next was the flying fox where we all had a great time, and we pretended we were superheroes.
After the flying fox, the instructors taught us two team games and again they were impressed by our concentration and teamwork.
Dinner tonight was bangers, mash and the best salad followed by apple crumble and cream. The night ended with a quiz and two teams won!
We all went to bed slightly earlier tonight!
Day 3: Wednesday, 6 November 2024
This morning, some of us had a little sleep in and woke up at the much more reasonable time of 6:30am. We were spoilt with pancakes, bananas and caramel sauce for breakfast.
We drove to Dolphin Discovery Centre where we watched the rescue turtles get measured and weighed, sharks get fed and learned about dolphins from a guide.
Next was scrumptious meat and salad rolls on the foreshore and a long play at an awesome park.
After that we drove to Gravity where we learned some parkour tricks and jumped on the trampolines for a solid hour. The Beaminator was our most favourite thing to do and some of us tried to give it our best to beat Mr Norris and Mrs Head.
We then headed back to camp to shower and write in our diary.
Tonight, we had lasagna and apple cake for dinner which again was another delicious meal.
After dinner, we played some ‘minute to win it’ and ‘get to know you’ games. In one of our games, we had to have chopsticks in our mouth and get as many pretzels out of our bowl and in the other game, we had to use matchsticks to make as many three-letter words as we could.
A great day was had today and the girls definitely wanted to get some sleep.
Day 4: Thursday, 7 November 2024
This morning, the teachers had to wake the girls up at 7:15am so that we could get to breakfast on time and sing Hank a happy 10th birthday! Breakfast was ham and cheese croissants, and we needed the fuel for the day that we were about to have.
Our first challenge was archery and thankfully, we listened to the instructors and managed to all walk away unscathed. We had carrot cake for morning tea and then completed an orienteering challenge around the property. The winners of this challenge were Aisha, Lachlan and Olivia.
Today, we had burgers for lunch and then learnt to build rafts. We were in teams, and we all encouraged each other. For some of us, this was our favourite part of camp.
Next, was the commando challenge and this was a real challenge that we all attempted with gusto. The best part was watching everyone in the mud pit. We even had a timed challenge and Mr Norris joined in. Nellie was the fastest student in the challenge.
After the commando challenge, we washed the mud off in the outside showers and headed to the pool to get rid of the rest of the mud.
Dinner tonight was stuffed spuds, and we were spoiled with an ice cream cake for Hank as well as ice cream cones.
After dinner, we watched a movie outdoors and tonight the girls fell asleep quickly. It was the boys turn to stay up gossiping.
Day 5: Friday, 8 November 2024
This morning was sadly our last morning on camp. We had a cooked breakfast and then packed and cleaned our rooms.